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Brandi M


Joined Aug 2024 · He/Him · 12:27 PM Local

Featured Feedback


Thank you so much for this session, it was soo interactive and fun and i learned something practical thank you so much and i would be joining more sessions too

Learner · 18 days ago

Thank you for another great session!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Wonderful session! Brandi clarified concepts I thought I was golden in but needed extra practice. Thank you!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Brandi, your understanding of cellular respiration was near perfect and your explanations further complemented your knowledge of the subject. You seemed to know a lot of your definitions and were able to identify their processes (such as how aerobic respiration works). You effectively used visuals and text from the slide to explain concepts which gave the learner and additional visual process rather than solely a textual process. The slideshows included a plentiful amount of information and you were able to effectively tailor the session without confusing the learner with a plethora of topics. Really good job. There isn't any advice I could give you for the material because it was pretty much perfect. Another bonus that you helped Anwesha out was with her question regarding a scholarship which relates to cancer treatment and your explanations were very helpful (type of cancer she was researching about).

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

The tutor has great understanding of the presented topic and is able to show this understanding through accurate explanations and reasoning

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Thank you so much for this session! You explained really well and answered quickly to our questions.

Learner · 3 mo. ago

Very good explanations. I feel so much better about my understanding of enzymes and cellular energy. Thank you so much!

Learner · 3 mo. ago

The session was really helpful. The concepts were taught with clarity and patience.

Learner · 5 mo. ago

I love how patient you were with explanations and you sound very reassuring!

Learner · 5 mo. ago

Heyy, this session was really worth it! thank you for sharing your experience and tips + analogies

Learner · 5 mo. ago

Brandi was very thorough with the lesson and provided diagrams, and notes to follow along. All of my questions were answered and I really appreciate the creation of this series! Thank you!!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

It was a really helpful session thank you

Learner · 25 days ago

thank you for this session! your explanations are so GREAT!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Brandi, your effective choice of questions were very appropriate to the subject and rather than asking questions that are simplistic such as "Does that make sense?", you asked Anwesha to explain certain processes in her own words and explain the reasoning behind her answers. Her explanations were elaborate which is a sign that your style of teaching is working and she is able to understand the information. This is also a great way to continuously keep the learner engaged within the session and make sure they don't multitask elsewhere. I also noticed that you asked Anwesha if she had reviewed photosynthesis before the session which is a great way of refreshing on topics before moving on to more complicated topics. You did a good job of ensuring the learner was not just learning but practicing the material that is covered which directly helps with her understanding and confidence.

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Thank you very much for the lesson. I truly appreciate it.

Learner · 3 mo. ago

The learning environment for the students is very good and comforting, it welcomes learning and for the students to learn from their mistakes

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Thank you very much for your help. I look forward to covering the remaining topics in the chapter with you.

Learner · 3 mo. ago

Very patient and thorough session review of genetics and DNA replication!

Learner · 5 mo. ago

The learner seems very comfortable throughout the session as she is able to ask many questions

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

Brandi showed a really good understanding of genetics topics like pedigrees and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. He explained complex concepts like crossing over in pedigrees and how to solve Hardy-Weinberg problems with multiple alleles. His explanations were detailed and he could answer follow-up questions.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

Anatomy and Physiology is very visual centered subject so it was great that you drew a lot and had many visuals to explain it with. You introduced the topics which is great because it helps students to be prepared to learn about the topics. For example, you introduced each main topic of the series. Also, for tissues you started by explaining the types of tissues and then you explained and went deeper into each type. You are explanations were great. Because you did not just explain the material, you also gave definitions and examples with your explanations.

Tutor · 7 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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