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Aiman K


Joined Jul 2024 · She/Her · 12:55 AM Local


Hi, everyone! My name is Aiman, and I'm a high school freshman passionate about History and English.

In my free time, I enjoy watercolor painting, listening to music, keeping up with the news, taking long walks, talking to others, sketching, watching YouTube/Netflix, and tutoring here on Schoolhouse!

If you ever have any questions or need any help, feel free to DM me, and we can work it out!


Dec 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


Algebra 1
1 / 14 Topics


Bibi A
Hannah B
Yechan B
Elizabeth S
viviana s
Iman K
Joe H
Mattis L
Shiyue C

Upcoming Sessions

Aiman isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


Thank you for hosting, guys! I loved the draw battle so much, and I really appreciated how there was no more cheating this time. Aiman was so kind, Joseph’s voicing is so nice too and Iman is so theatrical! A perfect team of hosts working together

Learner · 13 days ago

You effectively checked Colin’s prior knowledge by asking questions like “Do you understand?” and encouraging him to restate key concepts, such as the components of an introduction or the purpose of an overview. This allowed you to gauge his understanding and adapt your explanations accordingly. For instance, when Colin asked about paraphrasing techniques, you provided practical tips like using synonyms and reordering words to maintain meaning while varying phrasing. You kept him engaged by actively involving him in discussions and asking him to identify elements like time periods and units of measure in sample graphs. Additionally, you confirmed his progress by revisiting concepts he initially struggled with and ensuring he could articulate them correctly by the end of the session.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

You created a supportive and encouraging environment through your patient and approachable demeanor. Your willingness to revisit concepts multiple times and clarify misunderstandings helped Colin feel comfortable asking questions and expressing confusion. For example, when he struggled with identifying units of measure or understanding paraphrasing techniques, you patiently explained these concepts step-by-step until he felt confident. Additionally, your positive reinforcement (“You’re very good at learning”) likely boosted his confidence and motivation throughout the session.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Thank you so much for your amazing guidance on essay writing! I really appreciate how you explained the process of coming up with ideas, outlining essays, and shared such helpful tips and tricks. Going over the details with patience and encouragement made a huge difference, and your kind compliments really boosted my confidence. It truly means a lot—thank you! 😊

Learner · 1 mo. ago


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