Upcoming Sessions
Past Sessions
2 Sessions
General · session
Time Complexity Review
We will briefly go over the concept of Time Complexity. This session is targeted towards people who missed the session on Time Complexity on my USACO series. However, feel free to stop by if you have any questions relating to USACO or Competitive Programming, and I'd be happy to help after reviewing the topic.
Kyle L
Session ended.
General · session
Introduction to USACO & Competitive Programming
I will be covering an introduction to the USA Computing Olympiad as well as competitive programming as a field.
In this session, I will primarily be taking questions/ideas from the audience. I will use your feedback to develop a full series on USACO/Competitive Programming for beginners. Some topics that might be covered in the final session include (but aren't limited too):
- Time Complexity (Big-O Notation)
- Basic Data Structures (Dynamic Arrays, Pairs, Tuples)
- Sorting & Searching Algorithms (e.g. Binary Search)
- Greedy Algorithms
- Graphs & Graph Traversal Algorithms (DFS, BFS, Floodfill, DSU, etc.)
- Prefix Sums
- Stacks, Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues
- Dynamic Programming
- Ad Hoc. Topics
Kyle L
Session ended.