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Jacob Z

Joined Aug 2021 · He/Him · 10:22 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Jacob isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

1 Series

SAT MATH: 8 Weeks to an 800

    Ended Fri, Dec 3, 2021

In this course we will move through the 8 official SAT practice tests (1 each week). You are expected to at some point that week (preferably while timed) complete both of the math sections and score them yourself. At each session we will go over the test and use any questions students got wrong as a starting point to learn the skills needed for the SAT. Though this course is geared toward the December SAT, though November takers ARE welcome to join as well.

Jacob Z

Series ended.

1 Session

Enrichment · session


Intro to New York State Regents Exams: With the exams canceled the last few years, many students are scheduled to take them for the first time this January/June. We'll be going over how the regents work, how they're different from APs and other NYS state tests, and how to best prepare for them when the time comes.

Jacob Z

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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