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Tamoghna D


Joined Jul 2024 · He/Him · 5:11 PM Local


Hello all, I am a high school student from Illinois who loves doing mathematics for fun. I play the piano, tennis and swim in my free time. Ready to help others with STEM!


Jul 2024 - Present

United States of America







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SAT® Prep
AP Statistics
SAT Reading & Writing
SAT Math
AP Calculus


Pramiti N
Simon A
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Hi Tamoghna, This session was a wonderful conclusion to your series! You did an amazing job explaining the solutions. It can be tough to cover so many different concepts in one session, but I think you did a great job laying out the strategies in a way that was super clear and easy to understand. For example, when explaining surface area, you said: "Let's say, if I had like a certain amount of like gift wrapping right? And it's gonna be how much gift wrapping I put on the cube. What's the area of that much gift wrapping?" This was a wonderful analogy relating surface area to gift wrapping in order to help the learner visualize the concept. You also provided excellent strategies for the SAT, which was important since that session was the last in the series. For example you mentioned the importance of discriminant rules and the frequency that those types of questions appear on the SAT.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

At the start of your session, you greeted each and every learner by name, affecting a sense of friendliness and personalization right from the jump. For example, you started off your session saying "Paul and Arike, can you hear me." You also had a welcome question and engaged in conversation with learners to prevent any awkward silence as you waited for everyone to get on. For example, you said "How are we all feeling" and called on different learners who didn't respond. You continued to address each learner by name throughout the session, and always spoke in a respectful tone, such as when you asked: "Paul Joyce, do you have you have any improvements or anything like that?"You also did a great job easing the anxiety of the learners. When Joyce said she was feeling nervous for the SAT, you said "So here's my best tip, cause I also get nervous, too..." and proceeded to give your tip about taking a deep breath. Once again, great job!

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

Great job helping your learners feel comfortable asking questions by giving them time to think of any before continuing. One thing in specific is that I loved is how you constantly rotate the spotlight to other learners. For example, when brainstorming ideas for the algebra domain, you said "What about Joyce, Paul?" You also built on the learners' ideas very effectively. For example, when Paul brought up the idea to "think of an equation to solve for what is asked," you effectively built on this idea by saying "Yeah, that's for sure. So actually formulate some kind of algebraic relationship. For example....." Additionally, you also encouraged learners to built on the ideas of their fellow learners. For example, you said "Joyce, do you have anything to add?" With all of these strategies, it helped ensure that every learner was actively engaged, and there was never an instance where you directly gave out answers. Wonderful job!

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

There is clear evidence that the learners made progress throughout the session. For example, Arike answered the probability question correctly at the end.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago


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