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Jemimah F


Joined Jun 2024 · She/Her · 11:13 AM Local

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What worked well: Tutor adapted to learners' unique needs very well throughout the session, adjusting their tone and pace throughout based on the learners' perceived knowledge of topics. She asked throughout the session their learners' proficiency in the topics asked and constantly asked practice problems. What could be improved: Does not ask the learners' prior knowledge at the beginning of the session, but they seem to be familiar and likely know about each others' levels. If applicable, you should try to incorporate the learners' prior knowledge more throughout the session.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you so much for the session, Jemimah! It was interactive and really helpful! I loved how you explained everything in depth. Thank you for being patient when I took time to answer or got answers wrong.

Learner · 6 mo. ago

I like how you started the session by asking the learner how their day went, and other questions about the start of school. I think that you established a comfortable environment throughout the session, through your conversational tone, and frequent engagement with the learner. You clearly demonstrated the preparation you put into the session, by showing specific textbook excerpts related to experimental error for example, allowing the learner to feel confident that they would be able to learn from you and ask questions. Great job Jemimah!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Hi Jemimah, you are hosting a wonderful physics series! You were able to teach conservation of energy and review other mechanics concepts masterfully, adhering to your textbook resources and the practice problems provided with it. I believe your insights helped your learners think about how to approach the same problem from different angles, demystifying different formulas and connecting them with the underlying physical principles that are all intertwined. The annotations to write equations on screen were super helpful; perhaps you could consider clearing the screen every now and then to improve spacing and make everything easier to understand. It does seem like you save your annotations to the book, though, which is awesome! You also did well with clarifying things you were unsure on at first, such as exponential vs. log graphs in the answer choices.

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Great explanations of the content using visuals, such as Pascal triangle, and using simple examples to explain concepts and formulas. The visuals were good and you made sure the learners understood the material which helped a lot in the session

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

Thank you so much for the session, Jemimah! It was a really amazing and helpful session. I loved how interactive it was and how you explained the concepts. Thank you for being patient when I got the answers wrong or took time to solve them. You are an excellent tutor who goes beyond traditional teaching methods to engage and inspire your students. You take the time to understand each individual's learning style, tailoring your approach to meet their unique needs. By incorporating interactive activities and encouraging critical thinking, you create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring new ideas. Your patience and enthusiasm not only help them grasp difficult concepts but also instill a love for learning that lasts beyond the classroom.

Learner · 6 mo. ago

I loved the session

Learner · 6 mo. ago

Your learners did well on the practice problems, providing not only correct answers but lucid explanations of how they arrived at them. Your critical thinking and skills of articulation are clearly rubbing off on them!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Did a great job adapting to the learner's needs and making sure they made progress. Asking if they had any questions and if everything made sense after working through problems did so well. Something that could be improved is checking the learner's prior knowledge. You never really did this, and kind of just started teaching formulas and concepts right away. I would recommend checking what the learners know in advance so you know if there are any topics or formulas you can skip over or spend less time on. Also engagement of the learners could be improved a little bit. While it was clear they were listening the whole time and engaged in the session, most of the session was you writing. I would recommend allowing the learners to work through problems and giving them more time to do so. For example, when working through binomial expansion, you finished an example problem and then told the learner it was their turn to try. You asked a question as that started, and after they answered it wrong you went through the rest of the problem. It might be a bit better if you explain why their answer was wrong, but then allow them to keep solving the rest of the problem.

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

It was great how you greeted James by name and also remembered that he has joined a session before. Additionally, it was very cool how you had a conversation about the learner's background and the languages he speaks. This created a comfortable and friendly learning environment. Additionally, I liked how you said that physics is a journey and that you have confidence in James to succeed on it. After James said he didn't know the answer to the question about path difference, it may have been helpful to ask him a similar question after explaining the answer to the original one. This may have helped him boost his confidence with the topic.

Tutor · 7 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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