Thanks a lot, Benjamin! Your series was so good. You have an answer for every question anybody had. You truly are a master of the material and you are so humble. I really hope to be as Knowledgeable as you are! 🙏 Your classes are really engaging and You are the perfect math tutor ever!!!
- Shreya A
Learner · 3 yr. ago
Very Helpful and enjoyable session. Your proofs using Desmos was really awesome. I enjoyed being there. He is the Hands down best schoolhouse tutor I've met
Learner · 3 yr. ago
very nice and patient teacher----in fact the best one you could ever had
Learner · 3 yr. ago
Great Session, Benjamin. You are a teacher who talks right to the point and clears all my doubts. It so great that you r ready to explain over any topic if I don't get it
Learner · 3 yr. ago
Keep on the good work! The session was very well-taught with a lot of questions involved
Tutor · 3 yr. ago
Superb class...he is really patient....Able to convey concepts really well and helps to understand the topic through problems.
Learner · 3 yr. ago
Good job answering all learners' questions and asking questions to gauge their understanding and previous knowledge. Good use of sites like desmos for explaining things too. Learners were very comfortable asking questions. Keep it up!
Tutor · 3 yr. ago
This was an amazing session! Your content and presentation was awesome. All the best for your future sessions!
Tutor · 3 yr. ago
Excellent tutor! I would want Ben to be my Calculus teacher. He explained everything in detail, cleared most of my doubts, and not only helped me with my quiz questions, but helped with everyone's questions. For these reasons, he surely deserved my super helpful rating.
Learner · 3 yr. ago
What a nice session. The tutor was very patient and always asked learners if he made his point clear. Definately a perfect tutor on Math.
Learner · 3 yr. ago
The session was awesome. You are very patient. I could even reach upto 'proficient' level in the topics you taught in khan academy
Learner · 3 yr. ago
Thank you so much for always explaining everything in depth for me, even if we go over time, to help me understand topics! Thanks to these sessions, my knowledge in fields of math, especially Calculus, has grown so much.
Learner · 3 yr. ago
The session was nicely taught. You gave out multiple questions for the learners and you did a good job at explaining problems!
Tutor · 3 yr. ago
The lesson is greatly well-taught ! I like how both you and your student amazingly participated in the session
Tutor · 3 yr. ago
The tutor is patient and can solve any doubt that you have with the subject. The sessions can definitely help you understand and ace the topic you want to learn. The tutor can accommodate learners of multiple time zones. So, if you want to learn a math topic, this is THE class to attend!