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Anna S

Joined Jul 2021 · She/Her · 4:06 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

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Past Sessions

1 Series

Khan Academy Exponents & Radicals

    Ended Thu, Aug 18, 2022

What is an exponent? What is the sixth root of 729? Join this series to learn and practice these fundamental Algebra concepts! We'll be covering the material in the "Exponents & Radicals" unit of Khan Academy, and then we'll complete the unit test together. This series is perfect for you if you're currently taking Algebra and feeling like you're missing something, or if you're taking pre-algebra and you want to set yourself up for success when you take Algebra. Feel free to check out the Khan Academy unit here: If you’re wondering what the sixth root of 729 is, the answer is 3. Great work if you got the answer! If you didn’t, relax! We will cover it during our sessions together. Also, it’s okay to make mistakes or not know something. But, I hope you are willing to learn.

Anna S

Series ended.

1 Session

Enrichment · session

Live Help

Hello! Happy to help with any questions you might have.

Anna S

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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