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Hyemin L

Joined Apr 2024 · She/Her · 3:23 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

1 Series

AP Calculus AB + BC | Everything you need for a 5


This series will cover all of the AP calculus curriculums but with BC sessions optional for those who are taking AB. These sessions will be relatively fast-paced, and rely on learners to do some practice outside of class ( I will provide the practice materials ). Not all of the lessons are posted currently, but they will be as we move along the course! The current lesson order is not based on khan academy, therefore it may look slightly different from the more conventional order, yet I strongly believe this order will allow cohesion in the course and a better understanding of the material. The sessions will be on two consecutive days per week so that one session will be based mostly on content and the next day mostly based on extending your understanding of the topic + practice problems. Also, this gives a full week to work on homework / practice problems on your own.

Hyemin L


Past Sessions

9 Series

5 Sessions

Enrichment · session

Live Help

This is a Live Help session to help answer a question in Calculus

Hyemin L

Session ended.

Community · session

Hyemin’s SAT BC Onboarding Session

Hi! My name is Hyemin and I’m a junior in HS :) I’ve personally tutored 3 math bootcamps myself, and I’m super excited to help new tutors start their tutoring journey!

Join this Onboarding Session required for Tutors participating in their first SAT Bootcamp! You’ll go over useful tutoring skills and have the chance to meet other Bootcamp tutors like you.

Hyemin L

Session ended.

Community · session

Hyemin’s SAT BC Onboarding Session

Hi! My name is Hyemin and I’m a junior in HS :) I’ve personally tutored 3 math bootcamps myself & would like to help you guys start your tutoring journey as well!

Join this Onboarding Session required for Tutors participating in their first SAT Bootcamp! You’ll go over useful tutoring skills and have the chance to meet other Bootcamp tutors like you.

Hyemin L

Session ended.

SAT® Prep · session

SAT Math Kahoot!! | What You MUST Know 🏆

Hi! In this session, we’ll go through everything you MUST know for your upcoming SAT through a Kahoot game.

You will both have fun & gain valuable knowledge to master the concepts you will be tested on 😊

You will also have access to the Kahoot game after our session for extra review any time you would like!

Nina P and 3 others

Session ended.

SAT® Prep · session

Using DESMOS for the DSAT Math Section (From a 780+ Scorer)

We'll go through DESMOS and how to use the application to solve different math questions on the DSAT test. We will go over things like systems of equations, inequalities, graphing, quadratics/polynomials, and more.

Hyemin L

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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