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Heechan H

Joined May 2021 · 12:03 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Heechan isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

1 Series

Art of Problem Solving: An Intro to Mathematical Concepts

    Ended Fri, Jul 30, 2021

We'll be following through the curriculum of "The Art of Problem Solving" Volumes 1 and 2. Our primary focus will be to learn the methods and concepts for a strong foundation in mathematics, whether for school, competition, or leisure. General knowledge of Algebra or above is recommended, but not required.

Heechan H

Series ended.

4 Sessions

Calculus · session

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

We'll go through the definition of a derivative, and various derivative rules (power rule, product rule, exponents, logarithms, etc). We'll also practice solving problems by incorporating those rules.

Heechan H

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Applications of integration

In this lesson, we'll use integrals to solve for the area between curves and volumes of solids.

Heechan H

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Integration and accumulation of change

What is an integral? What is the relationship between integrals and derivatives? We'll be discussing the fundamentals of integrals and basic integration rules.

Heechan H

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

What really is a derivative? Here, we will discuss differentiation and use visuals to really understand derivative and derivative rules.

Heechan H

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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