Thanks for the session! I like how everyone was able to explain how they solved a problem
Learner · 15 days ago
Your session actually make me less nervous seeing other tutor going through stuff even if it's not actually teaching
Learner · 29 days ago
Thank you so much! Have an awesome winter!
Learner · 2 mo. ago
Had good explanations, let us talk through our own thought processes first to learn what we conceptually misunderstood
Learner · 3 mo. ago
I enjoyed how everyone was able to participate! Thank you!
Thank you for trying to keep us all engaged!
Learner · 4 mo. ago
Thank you so much for all your session! They were really helpful!
Thank you for this session. Thank you for always asking if we need additional help! ; )
Learner · 5 mo. ago
Thank you for this session! : )
Thank you for this session! It solidified my confidence in being a tutor and explained everything that was unclear.
Learner · 23 days ago
Thank you so much for your help and for answering my questions!
I was able to catch up because of you. Thank you!
Thank you for this session, I liked how interactive it was!
Roan did a really good job in listening patiently to the participants and explaining things through his own experiences
You are really great at teaching , thankyou so much for your guidance
you are really good at explaining difficult math concept and really patient. thank you so much for all the sessions
Thankyou for this session , you are really good at explaining certain concepts and hard questions.
Good start! Thank you for your time and effort
Learner · 1 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.