Hi there, Alvena! Thanks for taking the time to help others with the SAT! Your efforts are greatly appreciated. To start off, I really liked how you didn't just focus on the correct answer when you were explaining the questions. Instead, you also made sure to provide rationale behind WHY the other options were incorrect! I especially liked how you explained why choice A was incorrect for Question 8: "Disengage has that negative connotation while we're looking to KEEP that throne..." Knowing why the incorrect answers are wrong will ultimately help your students figure out what the correct answer is. On top of that, you didn't drag out the explanation and kept it nice and simple--awesome!!! Additionally, you made sure to provide your students with lots of useful tips, such as using the process of elimination, building vocab, and using context clues! Those are all wonderful tips that will 100% come in handy during the SAT. 😎
Tutor · 6 mo. ago