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Olivia A


Joined Jan 2024 · She/Her · 3:15 AM Local


Hi! I am a high school senior from Massachusetts. I love math, and I am a top scorer in math Olympiads. In my free time, I love traveling, swimming, and trying cuisines around the world. I love to drink many varieties of tea, and my favorite tea is matcha. I am here to help others with SAT prep!


Feb 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


SAT Reading & Writing
SAT Math
AP Biology
AP Chemistry


Dina E
Madihah A
Daniela T
Marielis M
Olivia is not following anyone yet!

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Featured Feedback


Olivia you came to session well-prepared with a really clear and well-thought presentation! You included a fair share of questions with different levels and tips when approaching different kinds of question. I really loved the way you used bullet points to summarize tips for each session in a simplistic yet meaningful way. You did not cram too much information in each slide. Instead you used bullet points to effectively summarize important points while also not overwhelming your learners with too much information. I specifically found your inclusion of the table for conversion questions a really good thing. Thank you for mentioning the differences between histograms and bar graphs and explaining box plots! I don't normally see this in other sessions although these concept are crucial and really important in problem solving and data analysis domain questions.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

Olivia provided positive feedback when students answered questions correctly. She could further boost confidence by acknowledging good questions and praising effort, not just correct answers. The session felt relaxed and Olivia was patient in explaining concepts. She encouraged questions and created an atmosphere where students seemed comfortable asking for clarification.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

Olivia demonstrated a strong grasp of AP Biology Unit 1 content. She covered key topics like macromolecules, properties of water, and chemical bonding in detail. Her explanations were clear and she was able to provide specific examples to illustrate concepts.

Tutor · 5 mo. ago

I observed that your learners were able to share their answers and they felt more confident! Your explanations were great and the learners seemed less confused about the topics at the end of the session.

Tutor · 6 mo. ago


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