Olivia was very friendly and a great conversation starter to break the ice with the virtual learning. We were all able to have fun learning and she was so supportive with telling us to be confident with our answers. She is an exceptional tutor!
Learner · 11 mo. ago
Great session, super nice and welcoming!
Learner · 11 mo. ago
This is fun! Looking forward to next one!
Learner · 1 yr. ago
Thank you for today's session! I love how interactive and fun it was to discuss in a small group! :) Especially excited for the next session!
Learner · 1 yr. ago
You explained the answers to the different problems in a really understandable way and you were really good with encouraging people to talk without pushing them too much!
Learner · 11 mo. ago
Nice, thanks. It's really nice of yours to let each student get a turn, and discuss together to get to the final answer. Everyone's chances are equal. Thank you!
Learner · 1 yr. ago
Thanks for the session! I loved the way you taught us, letting us discuss together, and correct some mistakes, and teaching us how to do it...this session was really good! 😄I'll be following you for more sessions! :D
Learner · 1 yr. ago
Olivia was super sweet but also realistic about how she would respond to them which really helped.