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Devansh S

Joined Nov 2023 · He/Him · 11:26 PM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Devansh isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

2 Sessions

SAT® Prep · session

SAT Mathematics Doubts and Q&A

Here, I plan to answer your doubts or some questions which you would love to clarify. Please feel free to join this session to clear concepts, questions, or even practice more!

Devansh S

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Monthly Goal Review for BC Calc Test-Takers

This will be an overview of targets most BC Calculus* students try to meet at this stage (2.5 months prior to actual test). As an international student giving the APs for the first time this year as well, I intend to provide some perspective on setting chapter-wise targets, and resources that I have used over the past several months preparing for this AP in parallel to several others.**

*Much of it will apply to AB students as well.
**Note to co-tutor requests - I would love to include tutors who have already given this AP for more useful input in the session

Avnish S and Devansh S

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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