I really love the way the tutor taught limits. Before doing any problems/examples, the tutor showed what a limit means graphically, and how to interpret it. They also showed cases where students mess up, such as thinking the limit is not defined just because the point the limit is approaching is undefined. The tutor showed the logic behind limits first, and then did the examples. Due to the efficient way the tutor taught limits, they most definitely convey a deep understanding of the material. The only thing I would recommend, is maybe asking the students what they think when explaining a special case of limits. For example, when you showed how a limit can still be defined even if it deals with an undefined point, you could have asked a student(s) about their thoughts and reasonings about if the limit is defined or not. This is not a necessary thing to do, but it can increase engagement and allow for better growth. Excellent job! I love your teaching style!
Tutor · 2 mo. ago