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Khoi P


Joined Mar 2023 · He/Him · 8:53 PM Local


My name is Khoi and I'm in the class of 2025, living in Massachusetts. I joined Schoolhouse to build and improve my score in both R&W and Math and have seen some progress since I started back in early 2023.


Jul 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


SAT Reading & Writing


Mira R
Davina O
Lara A
Sofia Z
Mira R
Paul C
Minchan L

Upcoming Sessions

Khoi isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


Thank you for this session! The explanation about tenses was really helpful!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Khoi is very patient in his tutoring sessions, unlike other tutors I have experienced. He is willing to answer more questions, even if the allotted time is less. Also, I appreciate his eagerness to have everyone included and ensure their questions were answered to the best of his ability. Khoi also prioritizes teamwork by allowing other students to explain why they selected their answer for the question. Importantly too, he has a background on the SAT structure and style questions.

Learner · 7 mo. ago

I really appreciate all of the tips you have given me and our group when it comes to solving questions correctly and efficiently.

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you for the session! I appreciate you going over extra questions requested in the chat. I also like how you asked me to explain why I chose a wrong answer. As I explained my thinking, it made so much sense what I got wrong, and that was far more memorable than listening to someone else tell me why. You were also very timely.

Learner · 7 mo. ago


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