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Rhea M

Joined Jul 2020 · 1:46 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Rhea isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

23 Sessions

Geometry · session

Right triangles & trigonometry

We'll go through a presentation covering key concepts, and go through some practice problems together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Geometry · session

Right triangles & trigonometry

We'll go through a presentation covering key concepts, then work through some practice problems together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

General · session

Summer Read-Aloud!

We'll pick popular, mainstream public domain books and take turns reading aloud to encourage children's literacy skills and prevent the summer slide.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Factors and multiples

We will go through a presentation covering some key ideas, and then work through some practice problems together. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Algebra foundations

We will go through a presentation covering some key ideas, and then work through some practice problems together. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Geometry · session

Right triangles & trigonometry

We will go through a presentation covering some key ideas, and then work through some practice problems together. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Algebra foundations

We'll go through a presentation covering key concepts, then work through some Khan Academy practice questions together. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Factors and multiples

We'll go through a presentation and do some practice problems.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Equations & inequalities introduction

We'll go through a presentation and do some practice problems.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Factors and multiples

We will go over a presentation and work through some practice questions together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


In this session we will go over a presentation and do some practice problems together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Equations & inequalities introduction

In this session we will go over a presentation and do some practice problems together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions together.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Equations & inequalities introduction

We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions. Bring a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions from Khan Academy.

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions together. Bring a pencil, some paper and any questions you have!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Equations & inequalities introduction

We'll go through a presentation and do some practice questions together. Bring a pencil, some paper and any questions you have!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


In this session we will go over a presentation, do some practice questions and review any questions you may have. Don't forget a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Equations & inequalities introduction

In this session we will go over a presentation, do some practice questions and review any questions you may have. Don't forget a pencil and some paper!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


In this session we will go over a presentation and do some practice questions from Khan Academy. Bring a pencil, paper and any questions you have!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


In this session we will go over a presentation and do some practice questions from Khan Academy. Bring a pencil, paper and any questions you have!

Rhea M

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Factors and multiples

In this session we will go over a presentation on Factors and Multiples and do some practice questions from the Khan Academy website.

Rhea M

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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