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Jackson M


Joined Mar 2023 · He/Him · 10:41 PM Local


I’m a student in Indiana graduating high school this year. I love tutoring students and can help with most subjects. I have been actively tutoring at my school so I have experience tutoring people at all levels. I enjoy listening to classic rock and exercising in my free time.


Mar 2023 - Present

United States of America







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SAT Math
AP Calculus


Anthony T
Tanmay D
Stevie D
Pallav S
tullia h
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Featured Feedback


Dude, you’re so amazing, like so amazing. I’m in awe of you every session we have. You’re always great at making sure I understand but today was crazy. The way you paused and helped me start from the basics before I could go back and finish the more complex problems— I could really see that you’re a veteran tutor, that you’ve been doing this for a long time. You’re really experienced and that has shaped you to be able to deal with people like me. You just calmly maneuvered us into the basics and then after I got that, you eased us back. You did it in a way that I didn’t feel dumb that we had to go to the basics and I can’t thank you enough. I know we joke about this a lot but you are literally my tutor bestie. So knowledgeable about everything around him. I appreciate how I can always ask you about other things in regards to school. You’re honestly so helpful and I can’t ever thank you enough. Thank you so much, Jackson. :)

Learner · 1 yr. ago

rlly helped me w my work and had nice convo

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thanks for helping me out on my homework and clarifying my questions. I really appreciated your patience and help!!

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thanks for the session, it really helped me understand the ways I could go about solving those types of problems

Learner · 1 yr. ago


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