When I first saw the title, I was intrigued what tutoring would be like from a perfect scorer. My expectations were blown out of the water. The session was initially planned to run upon learner's needs, however, I was the only one in the session. Ankit didn't let that stop him from helping others to the best of his capabilities. Ankit made the session extremely interactive by going over a practice test. At first, I would give my input for the question and if it was wrong he would guide me to the right answer. To make the session even more beneficial, he encouraged me to explain how I got my answers for questions that I would get correct. He would ask the same for questions I get wrong to see where I got off track from the correct answer. The session surpassed my expectations, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from someone as knowledgeable and enthusiastic as Ankit.
Learner · 1 yr. ago