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Omar Y

Joined Mar 2021 · 4:58 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Omar isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

2 Series

SAT Math Prep (Tue + Thu)

    Ended Fri, Mar 11, 2022

This four-week tutoring series will help you prepare for the upcoming March SAT. By the end of the series, you will have completed multiple practice tests and worked through a number of problems from previous SATs, helping you build confidence for your upcoming exam. You’ll spend each session with me and a small group of other learners who are also working towards taking the SAT in March. Since it’s a small group, you can expect sessions to be very interactive as you work together towards improving your SAT skills as much as you can!

Omar Y

Series ended.

16 Sessions

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

This is a general review session for AP Computer Science A, bring any topics/questions you're struggling with and I'll do my best to help!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

AP Calculus

Hello my name is Omar and I got a 5 in the Calc BC exam and Calc AB subscore. In this session we'll be going over Section I Part A of the 2012 Calc AB Exam: If you want to do these ahead of time and bring questions you have, feel free. Otherwise, I'll be working on questions together with you and explaining any concepts you guys are unsure of.

Omar Y

Session ended.

SAT® Prep · session

SAT Reading & Writing

Hello! We'll be doing Practice Sat Test 8 Section 2 (Writing Section) found here: I'll give you 35 minutes in the session to do the problems and I'll answer any questions for the remainder of the 25 minutes.

Omar Y

Session ended.

SAT® Prep · session

SAT Math

Hello! My name is Omar and I received a 790 on my SAT math portion. I plan on covering Section 4 of Practice Test 8 found on here: (may need to scroll). I will give you 55 minutes in the session to do the test and 15 minutes to review any missed questions.

Omar Y

Session ended.

SAT® Prep · session

SAT Math

Hello my name is Omar and I got a 790 on the SAT Math Section In this session we'll be doing Section 3 from the official Practice Test 8 on this link: I'll give you 25 minutes to finish the section then I'll go over the problems in the latter half of the session. Good luck and I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

- AP CSA - Link to the questions: I'll be doing 2017 AP CSA FRQ ?s #1 and #2. I'll give you 45 minutes to do the questions then I'll go over the answers at 3:45PST. Bring a pencil and paper if you're taking the pencil and paper exam, and bring some text editor if you're taking the digital exam. Hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

- AP Comp Sci A - Update - Here is the link to the questions: I'll be going over how to approach part a of the first question at 3:05, then I'll go over the rest of the parts at 3:45. These are free response questions 3 and 4 from the 2017 AP exam. We'll be doing 2 Free Response Questions from a previous year's AP exam in 45 minutes. I'll be going over the answers in the last fifteen minutes as well as answering any questions. If necessary, I can also go over the session time to answer any remaining questions or go over any remaining parts. Please bring a paper and pencil if you're doing the paper and pencil exam and an empty text document if you're doing the digital exam. Hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

Update: here is the link to the questions: Please take no longer than 45 min, and I'll be going over the most missed questions at 3:45 -AP CS Principles- In this session we'll be doing 27 multiple choice questions in 45 minutes. The questions will include a mix of the Collegeboard's Course and Exam Description as well as problems from Khan Academy's AP Comp Sci Principles page. I will go over the most missed questions in the last 15 minutes, and I'll stick around after the session has ended to go over other problems or to answer any questions. Hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

Update: here is the folder with the questions and quick reference: Please set a timer for 45 minutes! I'll be going over the answers starting 3:45. I'll be covering multiple choice questions for the APCSA exam using different questions than my last session. You'll have 45 minutes to do 20 questions during the session and I'll be going over the most missed questions in the last 15 minutes. If you still have questions afterwards, I'll stick around past the ending time to answer any questions or go over the remaining problems. I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Computer Science · session

AP Computer Science

Hello! This session will be focused on tackling the multiple choice section of the AP Comp Sci A test. I'll update this description a day before to include 20 problems we'll be looking at. I'll give time to work on those problems during the session, and you can feel free to ask me either during the work time or afterwards any questions you may have. Feel free to record your answers either on paper or digitally depending on what you prefer. Hope to see you there! Update: Here is the folder with the questions and answers: PLEASE SET A TIMER FOR 45 MIN in order to best prepare yourself for the AP exam. Also included in the folder is an anonymous form that asks which questions you need help with.

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Differential equations

As a continuation of the previous session, I'll be covering separable differential equations and exponential functions if there's time. Here's the link to the slides I'll be using: Bring a paper, pencil, and calculator, and I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Differential equations

I'll be covering slope fields and separation of variables. as a continuation from last session. Here's a link to the slideshow presentation: Please bring a paper, pencil, and calculator, and I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Contextual applications of differentiation

I am going to be covering related rates as a continuation from the last lesson. I will be using this google slides ( presentation with the practice problems on there. Bring a paper, pencil, and calculator, and I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Differential equations

We'll be covering verifying differential equation solutions, slope fields, and separable equations. I'll be using a slideshow presentation ( for presenting the lesson and practice problems. Bring a paper, pencil, and calculator, and I hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Contextual applications of differentiation

I'll be covering L'Hospital's rule and related rates as a continuation from last session. If time permits, I'll also include more challenging forms of L'Hospital's rule. Bring paper, a calculator, and a pencil. I'll be doing explanations and problems via a slides presentation. Hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Contextual applications of differentiation

During the lesson, we'll cover related rates, straight-line motion, linearization, and L'Hospital's rule. I'll be using a google slides presentation with practice problems. Please have a pencil, paper, calculator, and any questions you have ready. Hope to see you there!

Omar Y

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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