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Enrichment · Session

Study Spaces

85 minutes
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Session Details


We'll be studying for 30 mins and then take a 10-min break afterward and then repeat. Before the 30 mins of studying, I'll ask for you to set a goal for yourself on what you want to study/accomplish in the time frame. Then after the 10-min break, I'll ask you to reflect on what you have studied so far. Note, this study session is open for everyone! Even if you are not studying for AP exams.

Tutor Qualifications

Hello! My name is Sollina, and I am a high school student studying for my upcoming AP exams next month. Since many of you as well are taking AP classes and are going to take the exams in May, I wanted for us to be able to study and focus together in preparing for our exams :)

Hosted By

Sollina A


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Study Spaces

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