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Enrichment · Session

Schoolhouse D&D Club: One-shot!

132 minutes
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Session Details


We'll play a Dungeons and Dragons one-shot game! (a one-off game session) All you need is a Level 5 PC ( Player Character), and a bit of experience playing D&D!
(unfortunately, because this is a one-off session, and the time is short, we'll have to start right away without explaining the rules of the game, I'll link some videos on the basic rules down below)

Here's a short video on the basics(3 min), and here's a more detailed video explaining the rules in depth(26 min)

We'll be playing in a regular D&D world on Mid Fantasy setting (middle-age style world where magic and mythical monsters are common, but only a small few posseses the power of magic)

Hosted By

David Z and Woody W


13 / 15


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