Session Details
Tutor Qualifications
I have attended special classes specifically for students that have been awarded in scientific competitions, these classes prepare students for international olympiads and high-level entrance exams, such as the ITA ( Air Force Institute of Technology), IME ( Army Institute of Engineer), and Federal Institutions. These entrance exams are not famous as the Indian institutes, however they are similar, and in my opinion even harder. For the exams, we study chemistry by solving IPhO questions and soviet books (Krotov, Irodov, Meshchersky, etc), and we study theory based on Feynman's lectures, Halliday's books, and Nussenzveig book.
During high school, I have been awarded many times in national and international scientific competitions, including Physics Olympiad - Bronze Medal, Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad - Bronze and Gold Medal, and Science Olympiad - Silver Medal, Geography Olympiad - Gold Medal.