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Computer Science • Series


David O

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series was cancelled by the tutor on August 28, 2023. We're very sorry–you can explore more Enrichment series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Step into the extraordinary realm of quantum computing and unlock the potential of the future. In this exhilarating online summer series, I invite you to immerse yourself in the world of quantum computing, from its fundamental principles to hands-on coding experiences using IBM Quantum Experience Lab. Whether you're a curious student, tech enthusiast, or aspiring quantum pioneer, this series will empower you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the frontiers of this cutting-edge field. **Highlights of the Course:** - Hands-on coding sessions using Qiskit, a powerful framework for quantum computing, and IBM Quantum Experience Lab - Interactive Kahoot Quizzes to test your knowledge and review concepts after each session - Exploration of quantum gates, circuits, and their real-world applications - Deep dive into quantum mechanics concepts, including qubits and quantum states - Insights into the groundbreaking research and industry advancements shaping the future of quantum computing - Access to additional resources for continued learning beyond the series

Tutor Qualifications

I am working for QxQ as a Quantum Ambassador, where I actively contribute to training the future diverse quantum workforce and engaging young people in the fascinating world of quantum computing. As an IBM Quantum Scholar and participant in QxQ's Introduction to Quantum Computing training boot camp, I have gained valuable expertise in this emerging field. My understanding of quantum programming and error correction algorithms enables me to bring a unique teaching approach to explaining the technical aspects of quantum computing. Moreover, I have completed a Capstone Project on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), providing me with practical quantum protocol experience. I am dedicated to advancing the quantum computing field and staying updated with the latest developments and advancements.


Please do not miss more than two sessions in total. The content is cumulative and builds up throughout the series.


July 31 - August 7


30 / 50

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I'm a junior in high school and would love to help others achieve their math goals. I believe there is so much to learn from this enriching community, and we can help each other out.

View David O's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1


Join us for an immersive journey into the world of quantum computing! In this orientation session, we'll kick-start our adventure with icebreakers and get to know fellow participants and soon-to-be future quantum leaders 😉. We'll introduce the Quantum Computing Series, outlining the fascinating topics and hands-on experiences that await us. We'll also guide you in setting up your IBM Quantum Experience Lab, ensuring you're ready to dive into coding workbooks and quantum simulations right away.

Session 2

Other Topics

**Quantum Computing 101** Embark on a captivating exploration of the fundamentals of quantum computing as we journey together into this remarkable realm. Together, we'll discover the intriguing concepts that set quantum computers apart from classical computers and delve into the minds of trailblazing researchers and industry leaders who are driving the quantum revolution forward. We'll unravel the significance of quantum computing and gain profound insights into its promising future. Engage in an interactive Kahoot Quiz, where we'll put our newfound knowledge to the test and ignite our collective curiosity.

Public Discussion

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