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Enrichment • Series

Poetry Coffeehouse

Stella W

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on January 21, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Welcome! To the Poetry Coffeehouse~ Are you a writer? A dreamer? A procrastinator? Just looking to relax and try something new? Join me at the Coffeehouse today! Grab a snack or drink as we share and explore some amazingly beautiful poetry from poets across the world, be inspired, and try writing poems of our own! drive link to the slides:

Tutor Qualifications

I have been an avid Writer since Middle School

My poetry has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, and I attended the Kenyon Review Young Writers' Workshop.


You are free to attend/skip whichever sessions you want!


December 10 - January 21


23 / 30

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

Hey! I'm Stella and I'm a senior (G12). I have been an avid speaker and debater since middle school and I think that Speech and Debate empowers people, so I want to come on here to give people the opportunity to develop their own voice! I also love history and love talking about all the stories and all the connections we have to one other throughout the vast span of time. Together, I hope to bring some fun new content onto schoolhouse so that everyone can enjoy history and speaking with me!

View Stella W's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1


Welcome poets, to the Coffeehouse! Let's introduce ourselves and get exploring! Today, we'll look at a variety of poems by different authors, most of them contemporary. But there will also be classics! (Let's be real, who can hate on Shakespeare?) Let's see just how wide the world is :D

Session 2


Grab a drink and a snack, let's get settled in, poets! Today, let's play with the idea of "abstractness". Some poems are very literal, others make absolutely no sense. But why are both equally beautiful? Just how crazy can we be, and still have people be like: "I kinda get it..."? Let's unhook ourselves from the constraints of strict logic!

Session 3


Hey hey hey! Grab a coffee/juice/water and a snack! Let's do some personal exploring. Look for a poem that resonates with a personal value/childhood memory/meaningful experience. Share that poem. Why does it resonate? And let's be inspired to write a powerful personal "diary" poem of our own!

Session 4


You already know it, grab a drink and a snack at the Coffeehouse! Today, let's look a specific "forms" of poetry. What's a sestina? Haiku? Pantoum? How can we be creative while giving ourselves a challenge? How can it be even more exciting?

Session 5


Hey poets, welcome to the last session~ Today, let's really let our imagination run wild and free! We'll be taking use of a random word generator and doing "writing sprints", where we try to write short poems in small amounts of time. Let's see what we can come up with!!

Public Discussion

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