Sarah W
Series Details
Tutor Qualifications
I have held tutoring sessions in different subworlds before. In addition, as a high school student, I study on my own or with others on a daily basis, so I have experience with creating an environment conducive to learning and studying! I'm also a huge music lover; I play the violin and piano and listen to music spanning many different genres every day.
Attendance is not required, so feel free to attend when you can and skip when you can't.
August 12 - January 2
22 / 100
Total Sessions
About the Tutor
Hey!! I'm Sarah, a high school student from Tennessee who plays the piano and the violin and also figure skates. One of my greatest loves in life is music; I listen to many many different artists and genres (my current fixations are Une barque sur l'ocean by Ravel and Scentist by Vixx), so if you ever need a music recommendation, I would be thrilled to suggest a song or piece:). In addition to music, I'm passionate about the environment, fashion, math, and much more!