Wenbo W and 2 others
Series Details
You will be withdrawn from the series if you have more than 3 unexcused absences in a row. Keep in mind that each session is cumulative, so please attend every session if possible. Please message the tutor in advance for any absences!
August 13 - September 21
12 / 15
Total Sessions
About the Tutors
Hi everyone, I'm a rising sophomore in Canada. I can help with math questions!
Hello everyone! My name is Aarav T. I discovered SchoolHouse while exploring the wonderful world of online learning and have gotten obsessed. I am currently working on several passion projects including co-founding an academic-competition subworld and have already aided in the establishment of a slack channel. I am currently learning Pre-calculus and am very competitive! If you are ever interested in math competition prep, or any general math contact me! (+DM me if you want to play some chess!). I am tutor in Reading & Writing, Enrichment, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, History, Statistics, and Computer Science.
A high schooler from the United States, I have a passion for mathematics and finance that is unfulfillable by another subject.
Upcoming Sessions
Session 14