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Pre-Algebra • Series


Vinisha S

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series was cancelled on August 21, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Pre-Algebra series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Hey there! I plan to have a "pre-alegbra" bootcamp, where we have 16 classes (2 per week), so in 8 weeks you can confidently say you are READY to smash pre-algebra before school!

Each lesson is 70 minutes, and so far the plan is to host it every Monday and Wednesday. 👍

I'm planning to make the tutoring sessions follow this structure:
5 min --> Intro
55 -> Content
10 min --> Kahoot Review!

You can see the the syllabus I have planned for this course here, so if you do miss a couple classes you dont need to worry about any work that we need to do.

Also, if any of you are interested, we can do a Kahoot tournament, and see who can rack up the most wins!

- your "hopefully?" future tutor,
Vinisha :)

p.s Time is flexible, let me know if you would like me to host another one of these sessions at a different time


Come to whichever sessions you feel like you need (check syllabus --> if we are covering something you don't need, feel free to not come)

Please reach out to me if you miss a session you wanted to go to so I can help you out :)


July 22 - August 19


13 / 15

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I'm a sophomore in Connecticut who loves robotics, golf, and violin! I'm here to learn and help others to the best of my ability, but I specialize in chemistry and algebra.

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