Algebra Foundations! - Unit 2
SAT Score Range
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This series was cancelled by the tutor on July 3, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Algebra 1 series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.
For 5 weeks, we will go over 5 topics: introduction to variables, substitution/evaluating expressions, combining like terms, introduction to equivalent expressions, and division by zero! This is all following the Khan Academy plan for Algebra 1 Unit 2.

There is no pre-knowledge necessary to join. Come with all questions, doubts, and concerns.

Materials needed:
-> writing utensil and paper for taking notes (if you would like)
-> calculator for the big numbers!

Fun games will be played throughout the sessions, such as Kahoot, Quizlet, and even matching games!

----REMINDER: THIS IS NOT A FULL ALGEBRA COURSE WALKTHROUGH! I am not certified to teach the whole course. I will only be going over UNIT 2 in Algebra 1.

I hope some learners can join! Happy Learning!😊
Tutored by
Attendance is not strictly enforced, however, it would be beneficial to attend each session if you struggle with Algebra Foundations! If you happen to miss a session, I can either attach the slideshow with notes through a group chat/public post OR I can host an office hours for NO MORE than 30 mins.
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