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Unit 1: Numbers - Edexcel GCSE Higher Mathematics (9 - 1)

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This series was cancelled by the tutor on January 31, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Pre-Algebra series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Each week, we'll go over one topic related to number theory that you need to master to prepare for your Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Higher) exam. The content aligns with Unit 1: Numbers of the Pearson GCSE textbook. Topics we'll cover include indices, surds, standard form, place value, HCF & LCM, word problems, and more. We will also be providing a wide variety of systematically designed and tiered practice problems and helpful test-prep strategies by evaluating authentic student answers to help you master the content and prepare more effectively for your GCSE exam.

You are expected to understand the absolute number theory basics required for the Higher GCSE course. Don't worry if you don't feel 100% about a topic, because we'll go over it very thoroughly. As this is a highly group-based revision session, be prepared to actively participate and apply your knowledge to a range of flexible practice problems. Please always have a pencil/pen, a piece of paper, and your calculator ready to work.

Tutored by

Edith G 🇺🇸

Certified in 1 topic

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Hey! I'm Edith from China/the Netherlands, currently living in Alabama. I love playing the piano, reading YA novels, doing yoga and Pilates, and watching European football games and Eurovision. Feel free to reach out with any question related to SSAT, PSAT 8/9, Pre-Algebra, or Algebra I -- I'll try my best to help :)



You are free to attend/skip whichever sessions you want. This is by no means a replacement for a GCSE course, so please feel free to pick and choose the sessions that cover the topics you're interested in or need support on.

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