Mohit, I saw that you were able to demonstrate checking your learners' prior knowledge proficiently. For instance, as soon as Prateek joined, you asked her if she was able to get started with her problems. This was a great way to both understand your learner's level of understanding of the concept and engage them. When Prateek said that she wasn't able to get started with her problems, you told her exactly what she needed to know in order to solve the problems, showing your ability to adapt to learners' unique needs and their levels.
Mohit, I saw that after you told Prateek what she had to do, you just let her solve the problem on her own without much guidance. I recommend that for the first problems of your learners, you guide them through the problems by asking them questions along and pointing important things out. This would be a much better way of teaching your learners as it keeps them engaged and more focused.
Tutor · 1 yr. ago