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ExploreBiologyMatter and energy in organisms

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Matter and energy in organisms

  • Photosynthesis
  • Formation of biomolecules
  • Cellular respiration

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Biology · series session

Matter and energy in organisms

Orientation + 1.) ⚛ Chemical Elements and Biological Compounds: We'll introduce ourselves, afterwards going over the structure of the series (e.g. what to expect ) and start on the first topic! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joining chemical elements to form biological compounds; understanding the structure and properties of biological compounds. Quiz at the end!

Angelika L


Biology · series session

Matter and energy in organisms

2.) 🦠 Cell Structure and Organization: Exploring cell components and their functions; understanding the organization of cells into tissues and organs. Quiz at the end!

Angelika L


Biology · series session

Matter and energy in organisms

4.) 🗝🔒 Enzymes and Biological Reactions: Understanding the regulation of biological reactions by enzymes; exploring enzyme structure and function.
Quiz at the end!

Depending on the engagement of the series, I'll see if I'll add more sessions as I'm going on holiday throughout August abroad, so hosting may difficult.

Angelika L


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