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SAT Math Prep

SAT Score Range


2 sessions



This series ended on July 14, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Hi everyone, my name is Saumitra Joshi, and I have been able to score a 780 on my math section of the SAT, and I'm here to help you be the best in the SAT Math section with hopes of scoring above 750. Cameras DO NOT have to be on and that I will NOT be calling out on other randomly, however, participation in the session - both verbally and on chat - will be greatly beneficial for you! I will host my sessions twice per week on Fridays and Saturadys from 6 - 7 PM each on a different topic.

Tutored by

Saumitra J 🇺🇸

Certified in 5 topics

View Profile

I'm a college student from North Carolina and am preparing myself for college. I like to play soccer and love hiking.



Hey!! Attendence is not mandatory and you can join the session on the topics you feel that are hard or difficult to understand.





SAT Math

SAT Math

Fri 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM UTCJul 7, 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM UTC

Hi everyone, my name is Saumitra Joshi, and I have been able to score a 780 on my math section of the SAT, and I'm here to help you be the best in the SAT Math section with hopes of scoring above 750. This will be a general session of how the SAT Math is stuctured while covering some key concepts. There will be an assignement at the end which will be of 15 questions. Cameras DO NOT have to be on and that I will NOT be calling out on other randomly, however, participation in the session - both verbally and on chat - will be greatly beneficial for you! *Sessions will keep on updating




SAT Math

SAT Math

Fri 10:00 PM - 10:45 PM UTCJul 14, 10:00 PM - 10:45 PM UTC

Hey there! My name is Saumitra Joshi, and I have been able to score a 780 on my math section of the SAT, and I'm here to help you be the best in the SAT Math section with hopes of scoring above 750. This session will cover all about Quadratics!! This will be a great crash course to revise and learn about all the essential concepts need to be learnt for the questions that will be asked about the circles on the SAT's. Cameras DO NOT have to be on and that I will NOT be calling out on other randomly, however, participation in the session - both verbally and on chat - will be greatly beneficial for you! *Sessions will keep on updating

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Jul 7 - Jul 14

2 weeks

45 - 60 mins

/ session


