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This series ended on July 18, 2021. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


If you are an NTSE aspirant then you can attend this series. We will cover the topics- Calendar, Blood relation, Coding-Decoding, Statements and Conclusions, dot situation. At the end of the course, we will have a 15 marks test. I will also post a worksheet at the end of every session and we will also discuss them.

Tutored by

Aarshi M 🇮🇳

Certified in 6 topics

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Hi! I am a high school senior(12th Grader from India :)) I am here to learn more about computer science, teach CBSE classes 8 to 10 all subjects and also help with NTSE prep. I would like to take back from here the values I learned from my peer tutors, especially the Schoolhouse values. Giving back to the community by being a peer reviewer and improving myself as a tutor. Whenever I don't feel like doing work, I like to take photographs of flowers, or write something.



Students must attend all the sessions, in case there is some issue, mention it in the discussion box, I will hold an extra class.

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