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Algebra 1 • Series

Algebra Foundations Series

Enrique C

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on January 28, 2022. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


I'll make this into a daily series to imitate studies of the ones that are founded common school. For this series only, you will not have the needs of many pre-requisites for understanding. But you are ought to have knowledge of basic mathematics, such as the knowledge of mathematical operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. As well as some little understanding of fractions & decimals. A mistake I did once was to think you would need to complete every units of Pre-Algebra, but I have mistaken. As this first unit of Algebra itself is the "foundation" of every Algebraic topic from Simple to Advanced A domain that will act as our main tool: Lists of chapters that will be taught in this series: - Overview and history of algebra - Introduction to variables - Substitution and evaluating expressions - Combining like terms - Introduction to equivalent expressions - Division by zero


Please inform the tutor of this series that you are or wasn't able to attend the series.

After 3 days of no excuses for abcenses, you'll be withdraw.


January 22 - January 26


8 / 20

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

mak kau hijau.... iya bintang ngagai bulanku

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