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Enrichment • Series

Creating Characters for Novels/Movies

Karolina K

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on April 2, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Have you ever wanted to write a novel or movie script but weren’t sure where to start? Characters are a great place, since they drive the story forward and make the reader care. This series will cover how to create protagonists and antagonists, set up character arcs, and center your characters around the core theme of the story (and how to find the theme). We’ll also touch on story structure to give you the context in which your characters will exist in the story, and I’ll give you some tips for how to actually finish your first draft. If you have attended my series on short story writing, that’s awesome! However, no prior experience in writing is necessary to join! I’ll do my best to make the series as beginner-friendly as possible. :)

Tutor Qualifications

I’ve been writing stories (mostly working on novels) for the past 5 years, and I’ve participated in multiple creative writing workshops.


Try not to miss any sessions, since they all build on each other. However, I know sometimes life happens, so just try to message me whenever you miss a session so I can catch you up! :)


February 12 - April 2


16 / 30

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

First year student at a liberal arts college, intending to major in computer science! Some of my interests include: creative writing, psychology, mobile app development, physics, math, and chess.

View Karolina K's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1


We’ll get to know each other and start brainstorming ideas for the main conflict of your story, the protagonist, and the antagonist! [I’ll add a more detailed description when I finish planning out the entire series.]

Session 2

Other Topics

We'll expand our story by considering minor characters and how they relate to the theme. You'll also write a basic premise/log-line for your story!

Session 3

Other Topics

We'll do a deeper dive into the conflict using the four corners method and set you up for an exciting plot! We'll also consider how you can take advantage of tropes in your story without making them cliches.

Session 4

Other Topics

We'll start thinking about the backstories of your characters and their appearances, as well as exploring the setting of your story.

Session 5

Other Topics

How do you make your characters change through the course of the story? How do they learn? What does that have to do with theme? In this session, we'll consider all of that as we begin thinking about character arcs.

Session 6

Other Topics

We're going to dive deeper into character arcs! We'll watch a short film (here's the link if you want to watch it ahead of time: and discuss it in relation to character arcs.

Session 7

Other Topics

We'll sum up everything we've learned so far and connect it to the plot of a story. I'll also give you some tips for how to actually write your stories.

Session 8

Other Topics

Final session! We'll celebrate all of your hard work by exploring the fun parts of writing like writing challenges and creating things for your stories, like maps!

Public Discussion

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