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Enrichment • Series

🌟🌟Do:"The Impossible"🌟🌟

Swapnasish G

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on September 25, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


WELCOME!😊😊😊 During this series, we will work on real-life problems🧩, various study tips📚, discuss and debit various topics, discuss the biography of noble people, and obviously how to do the work you want to do🏆🏆. this is a room for your 🧩passion🧩. you can share your ✨dreams ✨and we will be cheering you up🎉, by gathering information, and technique and working together to make your dream achievable and hopefully do something impossible. together we will create some joyful memory that will remain with us forever.👌👌👌


If you will be unable to join any session in the series you have to inform me before that particular session will be happening through the series group chat .

***session date and time are subject to change depending on the tutor's availability and students' preference but attendees will be notified through group chat at least 24 hours before the session starts so make sure to check the group chat for updates


April 2 - September 25


33 / 40

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I am determined to change the world with my passion and willpower and make a peaceful, happy, and harmonious world.

View Swapnasish G's Profile

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