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Sanjay's SAT BC Onboarding Session

SAT Score Range

1 session


This series ended on January 29, 2025. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Hi everyone! My name is Sanjay and I have tutored 3 R&W bootcamps on Schoolhouse. I can't wait to meet you all and help you get started on tutoring your own bootcamps. You are truly making a difference in the lives of your hardworking learners!

Join this Onboarding Session required for Tutors participating in their first SAT Bootcamp! You’ll go over useful tutoring skills and have the chance to meet other Bootcamp tutors like you.

Tutored by

Sanjay R 🇺🇸

Senior Tutor

Certified in 20 topics

View Profile

Hi, my name is Sanjay, and I am a high school senior in NJ excited about engineering! I joined Schoolhouse to give and receive help on a variety of topics, from SAT prep to Physics to Calculus. In my freetime, I enjoy making art and watching YouTube. "The school I envision would embrace technology not for its own sake, but as a means to improve deep conceptual understanding, to make quality, relevant education far more portable, and— somewhat counterintuitively—to humanize the classroom." - Sal Khan, The One World Schoolhouse



Attendance is required! Please register for a different onboarding session if you cannot make it to this one.





SAT Bootcamp Onboarding

SAT Bootcamp Onboarding

Wed 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTCJan 29, 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC

Onboarding session for new SAT tutors!

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Jan 29

1 week

60 mins

/ session


Wednesday, Jan 29
