Enrichment • Series
All Levels of Chinese Listening, Speaking, and Writing
Next session on Dec 16, 2024
Ayaan S
Series Details
Tutor Qualifications
I'm completely fluent in Chinese and use it in my daily life. I have tutored other foreign languages (like French) in Chinese (to Chinese students), so I have experience teaching in Chinese. I have also been to China and done Chinese calligraphy for a couple of years. I have experience teaching other subjects as well (math etc.).
Please make sure to attend because info from previous lessons will be there. It is okay to miss some sessions, just please notify.
November 18 - January 27
8 / 10
Total Sessions
About the Tutor
I'm a high school student from the Bay Area and I'm here to mostly teach maths at a higher level. I have taught well before, and I am new to this platform. I aim to help people understand concepts well rather than focusing on speed and memorization. I hope to allow people to understand concepts beyond what they are taught by themselves, as well as to teach in an enjoying fashion.
Upcoming Sessions
Session 5
Language Learning
Session 6
Language Learning
Session 7
Language Learning
Session 8
Language Learning
Session 9
Language Learning
Session 10