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Mattis’s Character Creation Lab

SAT Score Range

5 sessions


🔥 1 spot left!


This is my first series as a new tutor! Each week, we will cover various techniques and methods of creating interesting and multidimensional characters for creative writing! You can use them for your own books, or you I can help you write a (not very hard) short story or even a page showing your character in action. We will also learn how to create engaging characters that will deepen emotional engagement.

New Notes:
Please, everybody who joins this session:

1. State all the times you’re available 

2.Convert the times to GMT+8

3. Then tell me whether you’re available on weekends or weekdays

4. Please state the exact days you’re available.

You can do all of the above on the series group chat.

Thank you!!

Tutored by

Mattis L 🇨🇳

View Profile

(Thank you to Brooke M for the pfp 😄) Hey guys! I’m Mattis, a homeschooled 8th grader currently living in Shenzhen, China! My education consists mostly of Khan Academy exercises and videos. Thanks so much Sal! I love writing fiction novels (two of them, Ebse Nexus and Bombardment B, are nearly done), which are a blend of sci-fi and fantasy. I was very active on Khan Academy and I decided to come here to help people with R&W on the corresponding subworld. I’m a total extrovert and can always be found attending sessions and answering people’s questions!! Became a tutor on October 14, 2024 at 7:10-7:11 pm GMT+8. Reached Bronze Level at 10:49 pm GMT+8, November 8. Became a tutor in Enrichment Subworld on November 12, at 5:14 am. Reached Silver Level at 8:12 pm GMT+8, November 30 (last day of November yippee) Reached Gold Level at roughly 11:06 PM GMT+8, Jan 10, 2025 (got a shoutout at 5:24 am). Big Duolingo Fan (1500+ day streak and 1.2 million XP) MBTI Personality Type: ENFP-A, Campaigner. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Favorite Games: Minecraft,, War of Sticks, and Chess (on Favorite Books: Harry Potter, LOTR, and Percy Jackson. Favorite Movies: Inside Out, Incredibles, Star Wars Favorite Songs: Unstoppable, Chandelier, When We Were Young, Hello Favorite Colors: Purple, Indigo, Turquoise, Black. I hate orange. Hobbies: Writing fiction, chess, speed typing (avg. speed roughly 80-90 wpm, record 117 wpm), drawing my characters, and reading books. I absolutely adore drawing and try to make at least three a day. Learning Now: German, Mandarin Chinese (both on Duolingo), and conlangs.


Please don’t miss more than two sessions in a row, or I might have to remove you. If you have questions or you can’t make the times, feel free to message me!







Sat 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM UTCSep 6, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM UTC

filler session!

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Oct 27 - Sep 6

45 weeks

30 - 60 mins

/ session

Next session on September 6, 2025




