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HTML Basics

SAT Score Range


4 sessions




🔥 1 spot left!


In each meeting, we'll go through basic things in HTML. There are several things I'll discuss, for instance, how to display a list on your website by using HTML tags, how to display images and videos, and how to add tables and animation to your texts. To make things easier, I recommend you use and be familiar with text editor apps or websites (I use sublime text). Don't hesitate to ask something you don't understand and feel free to chat me on Zoom/schoolhouse chat box. Thank you:)
P.S.: Since I'm not a native English speaker and do not live in an English-speaking country, sometimes my explanations may be confusing. If you feel confused about what I'm saying, type your question or just open your microphone and ask me your question as clearly as possible. Thanks!

Tutored by

Mellinda W 🇮🇩

Certified in 2 topics

View Profile

Hey there! I'm a high school student who loves animals, books, and also code program. I'm currently understand the basic of Phyton, CSS, HTML, and Javascript. I'm here to learn new skills and also help others. Nice to meet you all!


Please let me know if you can't join my session & I really appreciate your attendance in my meetings.





Web Development

Web Development

Sun 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM UTCMar 30, 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM UTC

We will discuss about basic of html + numbering & lists




Web Development

Web Development

Mon 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM UTCMar 31, 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM UTC

we'll discuss about table & simple animation

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Jan 24 - Mar 31

10 weeks

70 mins

/ session

Next session on March 30, 2025