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Biology Help Sessions

SAT Score Range


36 sessions




Registration full

This series is full. Spots may open as learners withdraw–try checking back later!


I provide help for biology from the regular to the AP level.

By signing up to this series, you will be able to schedule a 30min help session with me every week. If the number of learners requesting help per week reaches 5, I will shorten each individual session to 20min because of the increase in the total amount of time dedicated.

Learners should propose a preferred meeting time at least 24hours before that time. Times that work for me are late afternoons and nights in EST time zone. Further negotiation might be needed if the learner's preferred time has a conflict with my schedule. I will try my best to stay near the preferred time. The scheduling of time follows the first-come-first-serve basis.

Tutored by

Toby C đŸ‡ºđŸ‡¸

Certified in 5 topics

View Profile

I am a high school student in the United States of America. My favorite subjects are biology, chemistry, and literature.


Learners are not required to schedule a session if they don't have specific question(s) in mind.

However, as space is limited, they will be withdrawn to leave spaces for other learners who need this resource more.

There is no clear cut line to the withdrawing policy, but I would say something around the lines of exceeding a total of 3 absences in a row or having 4 total absences or more within 2 months would be as a clear indication).





AP Biology

AP Biology

Wed 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM UTCFeb 12, 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM UTC

Ahaan's session

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Sep 11 - Feb 12

23 weeks

30 - 60 mins

/ session

Next session on February 12, 2025


