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Calculus • Series

BC Masterclass: Unleash the Power of Every Calc Unit!

Next session on Sep 22, 2024

Sam F and Isahi S

Series Details


Public Discussion

Series Details


We will be thoroughly going over every unit from calc BC, which includes everything in AB, with ample problems and examples. You will walk out of this series with a guaranteed 5 and a love for Calculus!


Because every unit is comprehensive, it is imperative you do not miss any session. However, I understand there are circumstances where you must miss a session. If you need to, please contact either me or my friend (co-host) so we know you wont be there. We will tell you what we are doing for the session, and direct you on Khan Academy to learn and practice these skills. If you do not tell us you will be missing a session, this will count as an unexcused absence. If you accumulate two of these, we will have to withdraw you from the course. I really don't want to do this, so please let us know if you can't make it!


September 15 - November 17


14 / 20

Total Sessions


About the Tutors

I'm a highschool student from Arizona. My hobbies are playing the piano, working out, and Brazilian jiu jitsu. I am joining Schoolhouse because I love helping others out, especially in fields I love.

View Sam F's Profile

I am a senior enrolled in a public high school. I'm looking to improve my reading, writing, and grammar skills, but I am open to assisting others in more analytical subjects related to math. Contact me for any inquiries/questions.

View Isahi S's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Session 2

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

We will learn the basics of derivatives! Get ready to do slope calculations like you've never done before!

Session 3

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

Continuing on with derivatives, we will learn new methods of solving different types of functions, along with a special rule taking us back to limits!

Session 4

Contextual applications of differentiation

You will apply derivatives to real world scenarios. While this can be confusing at first, once you get it, the problems are very fun to solve!

Session 5

Applying derivatives to analyze functions

You will use derivatives for optimization, as well as carrying along with applying derivatives to real world scenarios!

Session 6

Integration and accumulation of change

We will learn something other than derivatives, integrals! These can sometimes be beasts, but they are super fun to solve!

Session 7

Differential equations

With your new knowledge of derivatives and integrals, you will apply them both to equations that contain derivatives inside of them, a.k.a differential equations!

Session 8

Applications of integration

We will look at applications of integration, applying them to real world scenarios, similar to what we did with derivatives (units four and five)!

Session 9

Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions

We will cover parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions. These will be a review from pre-calc, but with Calculus now!

Session 10

Infinite sequences and series

Finally, the last unit and quite possibly the one deemed most challenging, infinite sequences and series. However, do not be frightened for we will make sure you fully understand this unit and all the comprehensive details it contains.

Public Discussion

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