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Computer Science • Series

AP Computer Science Crash Course

Amy K

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on September 1, 2022. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Hi everyone! During this comprehensive series, we will delve into each topic of AP Computer Science, from primitive types to recursion. No coding experience is required!! The AP Computer Science exam is a challenging and exhaustive test, and this course will help you master each unit, efficient test-taking, and the free response section. Be prepared for a lot of practice problems! This series is designed for learners who plan on taking AP Computer Science in the future or for those who want a sneak peek into the fascinating world of Java. I highly recommend attending every session as each topic will build off the previous one. However, if you have prior experience with Java, feel free to partake in whichever session attracts you. I will add on more sessions as we go, depending on the pacing of the class.


I highly recommend attending every session as each topic will build off the previous one. However, if you have prior experience with Java, feel free to partake in whichever session attracts you. Attendance is not mandatory, but please attend at least one session.


August 5 - September 1


25 / 30

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

Hi! I'm Amy, a rising sophomore in high school from Virginia, and I hope to inspire students to become independent and confident learners. I am passionate about all subjects, but I especially love English and Math! I can help with math up to Precalculus/Trigonometry, Spanish 1-3, AP Computer Science, History, Biology, and grammar basics. Aside from academics, I love playing volleyball with my team, crocheting, and playing the flute!

View Amy K's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1


During this orientation, we will do short introductions to get to know each other. Feel free to share any of your previous experiences with Java or AP Computer Science or ask any questions! We will also cover the format of the AP Computer Science exam.

Session 2

AP Computer Science

During this session, we will cover primitive types, identifiers, operators, input and output, and escape sequences. This session covers the most basic Java concepts, so if you are new to programming, I highly recommend you attend. Be prepared for practice problems!

Session 3

AP Computer Science

During this session, we will cover relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, increment and decrement operators, the basics on strings, input and output, and escape sequences.

Session 4

AP Computer Science

During this session we will cover if statements, errors and exceptions. Again, these are some of the most basic programming concepts, and I highly recommend attending. Be prepared for practice problems!

Session 5

Office Hours

A catch-up/review session for anyone that needs it!

Session 6

AP Computer Science

This session will be all about for and while loops! These are the most tested concepts in AP Computer Science and my favorite parts of the test. Be prepared for practice problems!

Session 7

Office Hours

For anyone who needs help!

Session 8

AP Computer Science

During this session, we will review all the topics from Unit 1 and cover objects and classes. These are perhaps the most fundamental concepts in AP Computer Science and can be tricky to master at first. Please attend if you can!

Session 9

AP Computer Science

During this session, we will cover methods, types of methods, and method overloading. Again, this is a fundamental concept in AP Computer Science and tested frequently. Please attend if you can!

Session 10

AP Computer Science

One final session to work through some practice problems and for any miscellaneous questions!

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series. peer tutoring, for free.


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