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History • Series

(Year Round) Crash Course into AP World History

Next session on Sep 20, 2024

Iman K and Alex D

Series Details


Public Discussion

Series Details


Hi everyone! Will you be taking AP World History: Modern this year? By joining our series, you will review with us until the AP Exam in May! We will do our best to give you a strong understanding of AP World so you can succeed in the class, and pass the exam! Most of the time, we will cover each unit in 2-3 sessions as there is a lot of information to go over. After we go over a unit, we will spend the next session going over MCQs (multiple-choice questions) on the unit.

As our series goes on, we will teach you how to properly write LEQs (long-essay questions), DBQs (document-based questions), and SAQs (short-answer questions), and you will also be given the opportunity to work through them! Alex and I will give you feedback on how to improve them, and teach you how to adhere to the rubric to gain as many points as possible! If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask! We are here to assist you with anything!

Please keep in mind that the times and dates may be subject to change! We plan on adding more sessions as needed considering how this series is supposed to run from the summer to the exam!


We require everybody to try and show up for every session. However, sometimes life can get you, so we ask that you at least let us know in advance of your absence or let us know after the session why you are absent. If you have more than TWO unexcused absences and do not respond to the tutors within 48 hours, we may remove you from the series.

However, If you do miss a session, feel free to reach out to us, and we can schedule a make-up session/office hours!


September 2 - May 1


19 / 30

Total Sessions


About the Tutors

Hello! I’m a rising high school senior here to improve in whatever is needed, and learn whatever I can! In my free time, I enjoy reading books, drawing, making ceramics, cooking, and tutoring people here at Schoolhouse and at my school in various subjects. Please feel free to reach out for any help! :)

View Iman K's Profile

Hey everyone! I am a high school junior from Georgia. In my free time, you'll find me boxing, playing the piano, drinking bubble tea, or catching up on some much-needed sleep. I am here to help others with math or anything else you might need help with (just not science, lol).

View Alex D's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Session 4

AP World History: Modern

Unit 1 (8-10%): The Global Tapestry (c. 1200 to c. 1450)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
1.4 State Building in the Americas
1.5 State Building in Africa
1.6 Developments in Europe from c. 1200 to c. 1450

Session 5

AP World History: Modern

Unit 1 (8-10%): The Global Tapestry (c. 1200 to c. 1450)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • Finish 1.6 Developments in Europe from c. 1200 to c. 1450
  • 1.7 Comparison in the Period from c. 1200 to c. 1450
  • MCQ practice on all unit 1 topics

Session 6

AP World History: Modern

Unit 2 (8-10%): Networks of Exchange (c. 1200 to c. 1450)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 2.1 The Silk Roads
  • 2.2 The Mongol Empire and the Making of the Modern World
  • 2.3 Exchange in the Indian Ocean

Session 7

AP World History: Modern

Unit 2 (8-10%): Networks of Exchange (c. 1200 to c. 1450)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 2.4 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
  • 2.5 Cultural Consequence of Connectivity
  • 2.6 Environmental Consequences of Connectivity

Session 8

AP World History: Modern

In this session, we will review the units we learned in the previous three sessions (Units 0, 1, & 2)!

Session 9

AP World History: Modern

Unit 3 (12-15%): Land-Based Empires (c. 1450 to 1750)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 3.1 Empires Expand
  • 3.2 Empires Administration
  • 3.3 Empires: Belief Systems

Session 10

AP World History: Modern

Unit 4 (12-15%): Transoceanic Interconnections (c. 1450 to 1750)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750
  • 4.2 Exploration: Causes and Events from 1450 to 1750
  • 4.3 Columbian Exchange

Session 11

AP World History: Modern

Unit 4 (12-15%): Transoceanic Interconnections (c. 1450 to 1750)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 4.4 Maritime Empires Established
    • 4.5 Maritime Empires Maintained and Developed
    • 4.6 Internal and External Challenges to State Power from 1450 to 1750

Session 12

AP World History: Modern

Unit 4 (12-15%): Transoceanic Interconnections (c. 1450 to 1750)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • 4.7 Changing Social Hierarchies from 1450 to 1750
  • 4.8 Continuity and Change from 1450 to 1750

Session 13

AP World History: Modern

Unit 4 (12-15%): Transoceanic Interconnections (c. 1450 to 1750)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • MCQ practice on all unit 4 topics
  • LEQ introduction, and practice!
  • SAQ practice!

Session 14

AP World History: Modern

In this session, we will review the units we learned in the previous two sessions (Units 3 & 4)!

Session 15

AP World History: Modern

[Place-holder! Sessions to be added as the series goes on...]

Past Sessions


Session 1

AP World History: Modern

In this session, we will introduce ourselves, and do some ice-breakers. Afterward, we will review the AP World History Course and Exam Description, and look at the Course at a Glance!

Session 2

AP World History: Modern

Unit 0: Major Religions by 1200 CE
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Confucianism
  • Daoism
While this is not a unit in the AP World History: Modern curriculum, it is a must for students to familiarize themselves with the major religions as it will aid them during the exam.

Session 3

AP World History: Modern

Unit 1 (8-10%): The Global Tapestry (c. 1200 to c. 1450)
In this session, we will be covering the following topics...
1.1 Developments in East Asia
1.2 Empire building in Dar-Al Islam
1.3 Developments in South and Southeast Asia

Public Discussion

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