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Algebra 1 Full Run-Through

SAT Score Range


3 sessions



This series ended on June 23, 2024. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


I will host three sessions a week in which we will run through the topics covered for Algebra 1 through a slide deck that I update as we go along. Out of those three sessions, two a week will progress down the units, and one will be office hours to clear up any doubts and questions anyone may have along with homework help. People who already took Algebra 1 and would like to review it and also people wishing to take Algebra 1 in the future are all welcome! It'll be great to meet you soon!

Tutored by

Kautik M 🇺🇸

Certified in 4 topics

View Profile

I am currently a high school student who loves math and science!

Aarnav G 🇺🇸

Certified in 5 topics

View Profile

Hello, I am an incoming high-schooler from Illinois who loves math and science. This past year, I was involved in Science Olympiad, Math Team, Quiz Bowl, Track, and Tennis. As a student who is taking upper-level math courses and has competed in several competitions, I find it so nice that I can learn and share new things on such an amazing platform!



Please do not miss more than two sessions in a row that are non-office-hour sessions (sessions in which we will cover more material from the slide deck that I made and go further down the units).

As for office hour sessions, they are optional but do note that office hours will be the only time I will be available to jump to units we haven't covered yet and help out on homework as needed. I can also work 1 on 1 with learners during office hours due to the lower number of participants.





Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations

Fri 5:00 PM - 6:20 PM UTCJun 21, 5:00 PM - 6:20 PM UTC

We will be covering the first unit known as Algebra Foundations through a set of slides and practicing this unit. Hope to see you there!




Solving equations & inequalities

Solving equations & inequalities

Sat 5:00 PM - 6:20 PM UTCJun 22, 5:00 PM - 6:20 PM UTC

We will be covering the second unit known as Solving Equations & inequalities through a set of slides and practicing this unit. Hope to see you there!




Office Hours

Office Hours

Sun 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTCJun 23, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTC

This will be a two-hour office hour in which I will be available to answer any questions from units 1 and 2 and also jump around to units ahead of time along with offer homework help.

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Jun 21 - Jun 23

1 week

80 - 120 mins

/ session


Friday, Jun 21


Saturday, Jun 22


Sunday, Jun 23
