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Chemistry • Series

Learn AP Chemistry in 60 Days!

William B and Sergio R

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on August 23, 2024. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


There will be a syllabus tailored to the course and exam description for AP Chemistry that I will review for the first session. Each session will be around an hour, and recommended* practice materials will be around 5 multiple choice questions and 1 free response question each time.


While optional, please try to be here everyday. Since we're going at such a fast pace, it will be difficult to teach absent students previous material.

If you miss a session, just contact me and I'll provide the materials I'll have used during that time period.


July 8 - August 23


38 / 50

Total Sessions


About the Tutors

Yo, I'm a junior that's a chess and basketball enthusiast. I'm also a good source for single variable calculus or general chemistry. Currently studying several subjects: organic chemistry; calculus-based physics; differential equations; linear algebra; multivariable calculus; etc.

View William B's Profile

Hello There! I am currently a Junior. I am currently a Folkstyle/Collegiate, and Freestyle Wrestler, as well as a Golfer. I am passionate about helping others in their aspirations in success, while in the pursuit of my own.

View Sergio R's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1

Atomic structure and properties

We'll first cover the syllabus and structure of our tutoring sessions, and then go over chemistry knowledge that should have been learned from high school chemistry!

1.1 - Can you convert from moles to grams of one substance?
1.2 - Can you read a mass spectroscopy graph?
1.3 - Do you understand how to calculate empirical formulas from percent composition?
1.4 - Can you identify candidates for impurities within a solution, based on percent mass composition?


Session 2

Atomic structure and properties

1.5 - Do you understand electron configurations and orbitals?
1.6 - Can you read PES graphs and understand change in its peaks?
1.7 - Are the periodic trends(electronegativity, ionization energy, eg.) common knowledge to you?
1.8 - Do you understand the concept of valence electrons in relation to ionic formation?

Session 3

Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties

2.1 - Do you know your types of molecular bonds(ionic, molecular, metallic)?
2.2 - Why may one molecule’s bond length and potential energy differ from another molecule’s?
2.3 - Do you know the molecular structure and properties of ionic compounds?
2.4 - Do you know the molecular structure and properties of metals and alloys?

Session 4

Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties

2.5 - Can you draw out a lewis dot diagram for a molecule?
2.6 - Can you use the concept of formal charges to construct the mole stable molecule from a certain number of atoms? Do you understand resonance?
2.7 - Can you use VSEPR theory to justify/determine electron/molecular geometries?

Session 5

Intermolecular forces and properties

3.1 - Do you know your types of IMFs(covalent network, ionic, dipole-dipole, hydrogen-bond)?
3.2 - Do you understand the properties of certain compounds in solid form?
3.3 - What does the state of matter of a substance say about its IMFs?

Session 6

Intermolecular forces and properties

3.4 - Can you use PV=nRT in problems?
3.5 - Do you understand what contributes to the change in a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve?
3.6 - Can you describe the aspects that make a gas deviate from ‘ideal’ behavior?

Session 7

Intermolecular forces and properties

3.7 - Can you calculate the molarity of a solution?
3.8 - Do you understand CollegeBoard’s diagrams of ions within solutions?
3.9 - Do you understand how IMFs contribute to the solubility of a species?
3.10 - Why, in terms of IMFs, is the phrase ‘like dissolves like’ correct?

Session 8

Intermolecular forces and properties

3.11 - Do you understand how types of EM radiation affect molecules?
3.12 - Do you understand the photoelectric equations?
3.13 - Do you know how to use the Beer-Lambert Law(absorbance equation)?

Session 9

Chemical reactions

4.1 - What’s the difference between a physical and chemical change?
4.2 - Can you write a net ionic equation?
4.3 - Can you write a balanced chemical equation?
4.4 - What makes a species stay or change between states of matter?
4.5 - Can you write balanced chemical equations, and use mole ratios to convert between amounts of one species to another?

Session 10

Chemical reactions

4.6 - What’s the difference between a redox and acid-base titration?
4.7 - What’s the difference between acid-base, redox, and precipitate reactions?
4.8 - Do you understand the Bronstead-Lowry definitions of acids, bases, and their conjugates?
4.9 - Can you combine redox half reactions to create a balanced chemical equation(typically single displacement)?

Session 11


5.1 - What affects the rate of a reaction?
5.5 - What are the requirements at the micro level for reactants to form into products?
5.10 - What is the function of catalysts?

Session 12


5.2 - Can you make a rate law?
5.3 - Can you determine the order and rate constant of a reaction from concentration-time graphs?
5.4 - What are elementary steps?

Session 13


5.6 - Can you tell me about the parts of a reaction energy profile?
5.7 - How do you obtain the overall chemical equation for a reaction mechanism? What are intermediates and catalysts?
5.8 - Can you use elementary steps in a reaction mechanism to determine an overall rate law?
5.9 - Can you make a reaction energy profile for a multistep reaction mechanism?

Session 14


6.1 - What makes a reaction exo- or endothermic?
6.2 - How does the enthalpy change during a reaction make it exo- or endothermic?
6.3 - Why does a system reach thermal equilibrium over time?
6.4 - Do you understand calorimetry labs, and what q=mcDT is used for?
6.5 - Can you use heating curves( which give the values for changes between states of matter and temperature increase) to calculate the energy required to change a species into another state of matter?
6.6 - What is enthalpy actually an indication of?
6.7 - How is enthalpy change calculated using bond enthalpies?
6.8 - Can you calculate enthalpy change throughout a reaction using the enthalpies of formation of compounds?
6.9 - Can you use the enthalpy changes of other reactions to determine the enthalpy change of a particular reaction?

(This is a big one...don't miss it!!)

Session 15


6.1 - What makes a reaction exo- or endothermic?
6.2 - How does the enthalpy change during a reaction make it exo- or endothermic?
6.3 - Why does a system reach thermal equilibrium over time?
6.4 - Do you understand calorimetry labs, and what q=mcDT is used for?
6.5 - Can you use heating curves( which give the values for changes between states of matter and temperature increase) to calculate the energy required to change a species into another state of matter?

Session 16


6.6 - What is enthalpy actually an indication of?
6.7 - How is enthalpy change calculated using bond enthalpies?
6.8 - Can you calculate enthalpy change throughout a reaction using the enthalpies of formation of compounds?
6.9 - Can you use the enthalpy changes of other reactions to determine the enthalpy change of a particular reaction?

Session 17


7.1 - Why do reversible reactions occur?
7.2 - What does the equilibrium constant K say about the difference in reaction rates from either side?
7.3 - What does Q tell us about the change in products and reactions in relation to K?
7.4 - How is K calculated?
7.5 - Based on K, what makes a reaction product or reactant favored?
7.6 - How does K change when multiplied, reversed, or combined?

Session 18


7.7 - How can the molarity of one species be calculated based on K?
7.8 - If given a diagram with various molecules, can you draw in the number of molecules for one particular species if given a constant K?
7.9 - What are the various ways to disturb equilibrium to one side or the other?
7.10 - How can we predict possible disturbances if K shifts towards one value?

Session 19


7.11 - What is a solubility product constant, and how can we use it to determine precipitation of species?
7.12 - How might the addition of a species with a common ion effect solubility?
7.13 - If a salt such as Zn(OH)2 were to be dissolved, how might the addition of HCl change the mass of the precipitate?
7.14 - How is the value for Ksp an indicator of the free energy change for dissociation?

Session 20

Acids and bases

8.1 - What is autoionization?
8.2 - Why are strong acid concentrations synonymous with hydronium concentrations?
8.3 - How can you calculate the pH of a weak acid or base? What exactly is pKa?

Session 21

Acids and bases

8.8 - How do buffers resist change in pH?
8.9 - When would be the appropriate time to use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation?
8.10 - What changes if equimolar components of acid/conjugate base are added to the same buffer?

Session 22

Applications of thermodynamics

9.1 - What is entropy a measure of?
9.2 - What is absolute entropy? What does an entropy change denote?
9.3 - How do you calculate free energy change using enthalpy and entropy?
9.4 - Why may a thermodynamically favored process occur at a significantly slower rate?
9.5 - How can equilibrium be calculated from an equilibrium constant K?

Session 23

Applications of thermodynamics

9.6 - How might thermodynamically unfavorable processes occur?
9.7 - What are the components to a galvanic/electrolytic cell? What are the differences?
9.8 - How is free energy change calculated from standard reduction potential of a reaction(Ecell)?
9.9 - What conditions change the value of cell potential?
9.10 - How does electrolysis occur? Why is Faraday’s constant used in chemistry?

Public Discussion

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