SAT Score Range
2 sessions
This series ended on June 3, 2024. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.
Tutored by
Hello! I'm Alisha, a high school student with a passion for math and a desire to teach it in a fun way! Come to my sessions and we’ll learn together. Looking forward to meeting you! - Speaks English, Hindi, and Spanish - Lives in the US - Online often (So if you want to, DM me!) - I was also one of the certification co-leads and in the coaching team at schoolhouse. If you have a question about them, I'd love to help! One of my goals as a tutor is to show others the beauty and fun of math, and strive to do this in every one of my sessions. Math doesn't have to be boring!
Attendance is required! Please message me on Schoolhouse if you're not able to make it to a session and we can reschedule.
Note from Schoolhouse: This series has sessions with required attendance. If you need to miss a required session, submit an absence using the "Submit Excused Absence" button on the series page. Multiple unexcused absences may lead to a suspension of your Schoolhouse account.
General Algebra II Q&A
General Algebra II Q&A
Tue 3:00 AM - 4:30 AM UTCMay 28, 3:00 AM - 4:30 AM UTC
General Algebra II Q&A
General Algebra II Q&A
Sun 11:00 PM - Mon, 12:30 AM UTCJun 2, 11:00 PM - Jun 3, 12:30 AM UTC