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Pre-Algebra Study Group for Adult Learners

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This series ended on July 27, 2021. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


This session is met for Adult Learners including Carl as we will work through 12 subtopics of Pre-Algebra. We will start with whole numbers in entirety and then go onto talking about exponets, square roots and order of operations.

Tutored by

Kareena S 🇺🇸

Senior Tutor

Certified in 30 topics

View Profile

Hi there! My name is Kareena and I'm a Founding Tutor here at SHW. I'm a sixth grade math teacher and I couldn't be more excited!



I plan to host all my sessions on Wednesdays at 7pm CST. I understand that things come up and that you have to miss a session but for this course one thing does build on the next. If that is the case please tell me using the chat feature so that I can keep that in mind. I will try to do office hours on Thursdays at 7pm CST if needed. Again I would prefer you message me in the chat so that I know. After we finish a few of the sub units I will plan catch up sessions which will be a review there will be a small quiz just to check your understanding and if needed we can practice some more.

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